Short biography

© Said Azh
© Said Azh

Said Azh


September 2022

Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland e.V.

Said Azh, born on 3/6/1999 in Stuttgart, is a German/Persian composer who, due to his back-ground, seeks to explore the dialogue between Persian and Western/German ideals in music. He won the Jeunesses Musicales national competition "Jugend Komponiert" four times in a row, with previous prize-winning pieces "Aban", "Ghazal", "Liminal Spaces" and this year's prize-winning piece "Pasyryk-Fragmente" for flute and ensemble.

Other projects include pieces for the Carl Bechstein Foundation in cooperation with "NEUES ZEUG", several orchestral pieces within the framework of the Stuttgart Music School dealing with Turkish Baglama music, and cycles for voice solo and choir, such as "Kare hame rast" for voice and vibraphone, or "Weltliche Gesänge", performed within the framework of the State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart.

Besides composition, Said Azh is the choir director of LU im Takt and is currently studying music and English in Stuttgart for a teaching degree.