Past events

Special exhibition "Explorations in Wiepersdorf" by Dr. Iris Berndt
Museum im Mönchenkloster Jüterbog
200-jähr. Kastanie in Wiepersdorf, Watercolor by Iris Berndt, 2021

"... es steht alles sehr zweifelhaft auf dem Lande." Explorations in Wiepersdorf

Special exhibition by Dr. Iris Berndt

Achim von Arnim (1781–1831) reports in his letters about his work as a farmer and landowner of Wiepersdorf. The art historian Dr. Iris Berndt, a fellow at Schloss Wiepersdorf, is inspired by this to search for traces and builds a bridge to the present. She researches and inquires, photographs and paints. Objects from the collection of the Jüterbog Museum complement the exhibition. It deals with urgent questions of how we deal with the natural riches in nature and landscape.

Phillip Zach: Hunger for Sand
PELES EMPIRE, Karl-Marx-Str. 58, 12043 Berlin
Hunger for Sand © Phillip Zach

Phillip Zach: Hunger for Sand

Phillip Zach, 2020 Cultural Foundation Schloss Wiepersdorf fellow, is showing his film "Hunger for Sand" at Peles Empire in Berlin-Neukölln. The film was partly made during his stay in Wiepersdorf.

Open Studios
Studio Complex Schloss Wiepersdorf
P. Schlumberger, A. Blumenstein, S. Gabler © private and KSW

Open Studios

Antje Blumenstein, Susanne Gabler and Pablo Schlumberger give insight into their studio work.

Steven Kazuo Takasugi. JNH: Just-noticeably Human
online, on demand
© Michael Duffy for 113 Composers Collective 2021

Steven Kazuo Takasugi. JNH: Just-noticeably Human

In this event, American composer Steven Takasugi (*1960) will provide insights into his musical language, creative process and current works. Among other things, he will present his piano concerto project scheduled for 2023 in Donaueschingen. Afterwards, Takasugi will talk with current composition fellow Hakan Ulus about perception and his aesthetic approach to music.

Science – Ecology – Activism. Eva Horn and Klaus Dörre
online | on demand
Klaus Dörre © Angelika Osthues | Eva Horn © Eva Horn

Science – Ecology – Activism. Eva Horn and Klaus Dörre

Ecological problems are - from an economic point of view - consequences of the capitalist economy as a disastrous management of the earth. From the perspective of the Anthropocene debates in cultural studies, however, ecological questions can lead to a fundamental repositioning of man in the world as well as his perception of this world. In the conversation between the literature and cultural studies scholar Eva Horn and the economic sociologist Klaus Dörre, these different perspectives are conveyed.

German-German Asymmetries. Christoph Dieckmann and Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus, Chausseestraße 125, 10115 Berlin

German-German Asymmetries. Christoph Dieckmann and Ulf Erdmann Ziegler

A quarter of a century after reunification, the cultural debate in the new Federal Republic of Germany is still characterized by asymmetrical experiences and perceptions. Yet not only the GDR, but also the old Federal Republic has come to its multifaceted end.

Judith Zander: "Johnny Ohneland"
Schlosspark Wiepersdorf
Judith Zander © Heike Bogenberger | Katharina Franck © Z. Zimmermann

Judith Zander: "Johnny Ohneland"

With her second novel, Judith Zander has presented a kaleidoscope of self-discovery and memory. Written in the "you" form, she traces her main character layer by layer. It's about a girl who prefers to be Johnny instead of Joana, childhood in the GDR, youth in transition, the search for identity - including gender identity. The author worked on this novel for years, and the 500-page work was partly written in Wiepersdorf.

Dialectic of Equality. Achim von Arnim's anti-Jewish Speech in Context
on demand

Dialectic of Equality. Achim von Arnim's anti-Jewish Speech in Context

In the early summer of 1811, Achim von Arnim gave a speech in Berlin before the German Tischgesellschaft entitled “Über die Kennzeichen des Judentums”. In it, he addressed the question of whether and how Jews could be recognized in everyday life, making use of various anti-Jewish topoi. In a conversation with Theresa Eisele, a fellow of the Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf, historian Stefan Hofmann discusses Arnim's speech as a paradigmatic text of hostility towards Jews in the early 19th century

Günter Agde: Literature and Film. Günter Kunert
on demand

Günter Agde: Literature and Film. Günter Kunert

Throughout his life, the German poet Günter Kunert (1929–2019) wrote numerous texts for the cinema, and his films form a significant, yet hitherto largely unknown, part of the German cinematic repertoire. Kunert's short story "Zentralbahnhof" (1972), a work full of Kafkaesque ciphers and timeless and placeless allusions, has inspired quite a few German filmmakers to adapt this prose for the cinema.

ERINYEN NOW. Performance and studio tour
Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf | Atelierhaus, Terrace, Castle Park
Samira Freitag/Project ERINYEN NOW, © Matze Spohn

ERINYEN NOW. Performance and studio tour

The group project ERINYEN NOW is dedicated to the Erinyes (Furies), the goddesses of vengeance and representatives of maternal law, and their transmission in art, also from a feminist point of view, through an exhibition and an art novel.