Short biography

Maryam Aghaalikhani
Visual Arts
June, July, August 2022
Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz
Maryam Aghaalikhani was born in 1983 in Tehran, Iran. In 2010, she graduated with a bachelor's degree in sculpture from Tehran University of Art. In 2018, she studied Plastic Conception/Ceramics at the University of Art and Design Linz in Austria with Prof. Ingrid Smolle as an exchange student. In 2019, she completed her master's degree in Ceramic Arts at the Institute for Ceramic and Glass Arts at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences with Prof. Markus Karstieß. Since 2017 she lives and works in Höhr-Grenzhausen as an self-employed artist. In 2020 and 2021 she was a mentee of Cornelia Rößler in the Project " Mentoring für Bildende Künstlerinnen” (Mentoring for female visual artists) of the Kulturbüro Rheinland-Pfalz. Some of her group exhibitions were shown in b-05 Montabaur, Künstlerhaus Metternich Koblenz, Westerwald Keramikmuseum Höhr-Grenzhausen, Kunstverein Bad Dürkheim e.V., Stiftskirche Kaiserslautern, as well as in Tehran and Linz.
In her painting Maryam Aghaalikhani concentrates on the theme of money and chooses the Iranian currency as a pictorial motif. She tells in her work about power and value. Depending on times, borders and politics, their meaning changes. People and inflation become erosion material and she transfers this loss of value into faded and washed out canvases.
During her residency in Wiepersdorf, Maryam Aghaalikhani will combine this with the theme of "play". In this project, however, she will paint three different currencies that represent an economic system.