Short biography

Aliaksandar Belsky © Yauhen Fedarovich
Aliaksandar Belsky © Yauhen Fedarovich

Aliaksandar Belsky

Visual Arts

October, November 2022


In 2007 Aliaksandar Belsky graduated from the Academy of Arts in Minsk in the subject "Monumental Art". After graduation, he took on private commissions for painting, sgrafitto and mosaics both indoors and outdoors. Belsky drew movie posters for a Minsk cinema for ten years, creating about 700 such posters during this time. He also worked as a restorer of frescoes on the facades of the church in Nesvizh and the Puslovsky Palace. For quite some time he devoted himself intensively to painting portraits and grotesque sketches. Until the moment when he got tired of depicting human faces. So the anonymization of the acting figure became central to his work.
In the beginning, it was snowmen onto whom various events and conditions were projected. In parallel, astronauts, stormtroopers from Star Wars, Batman and others appeared. Currently, Belsky is forming his own mythology. He is looking for simple basic forms and how they can interact with each other, what literary, associative, emotional content they radiate. Belsky works classically with canvas and paint, but also devotes himself to digital art.


The fellowship is part of the project "PerspAKTIV – Austausch und Kulturplattform Belarus". The project PerspAKTIV is implemented in cooperation with RAZAM, Ambasada Kultury and IN SITU Contemporary Art Foundation with financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office. #civilsocietycooperation