Short biography

Rose Vöhringer © Studioline
Rose Vöhringer © Studioline

Rose Vöhringer

Visual Arts

March 2023

Ministerium für Bildung und Kultur Saarland

Rose Vöhringer studied painting at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar from 2013 to 2020. Afterwards, she completed her Masters degree with Gabriele Langendorf. In 2022 Rose Vöhringer received the artist scholarship of the Kulturzentrum am Eurobahnhof in Saarbrücken and was accepted into the Landeskunstsammlung des Saarlandes. As an art therapist and lecturer, she participates in university teaching, gives workshops, and also works as an educational consultant against discrimination and for climate justice.

In her paintings she explores the body both as an instrument, as a means of communication, and the relationship of the persons depicted to their bodies. The inseparable interweavings of inner and outer experience become visible images. They also connect with the viewers: Facial expressions, gestures and body language become narrative. The ambiguity in particular gives rise to chains of associations and subjective stories. In joint projects with other artists, the body shifts to the center of attention, paintings become props for performative and authentic confrontations.