Short biography

© Natalia Pschenitschnikova
© Natalia Pschenitschnikova

Natalia Pschenitschnikova


June, July, August 2021

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg

Natalia Pschenitschnikova, born in Moscow, is a singer, flutist, performer and composer. In addition to her soloist and chamber music activities, she works in various theater and dance projects. Her experimental work focuses on the correlation of sound and space, the ecology of sound and the energetic properties of sound and voice.

She dedicated recent performative and installative compositions to literary works of the Russian and early Soviet avant-garde (Velimir Chlebnjkov, Aleksej Gastev). Together with Martin Daske she forms the Duo Voicetronic, with Mikhail Mordvinov the Duo Pianovoice, and she leads the experimental voice group La Gol (Moscow). In her current project Brunnen der Erinnerung she confronts audio footage of others’ life memories with her own voice.

Natalia Pschenitschnikova is a graduate of the State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. As a soloist, she has interpreted numerous works written for her, including works by Bernhard Lang, Gia Kanchelli, Johannes Fritsch, Klaus Lang, Helmut Zapf, Sergei Nevsky, Helmut Oehring. She is a specialist for the vocal music of Giacinto Scelsi (cooperation with Michiko Hirayama). She has worked with conductors such as Theodor Kourentzis, Beat Furrer, Peter Rundel, Wladimir Jurowskij, Dennis Russell-Davies, Jürg Wyttenbach, Martiyn Brabbins and participated in numerous international festivals (Venice Biennale, Donaueschinger Musiktage, Wien Modern, Berliner Festwochen, Märzmusik and others). She was co-founder of the Moscow festival for new music 'Alternativa'.

During her stay in Wiepersdorf she will work on her new piece Requiem for a Flower, a performance with objects for solo voice and live electronics.