Short biography

© Pablo Schlumberger
© Pablo Schlumberger

Pablo Schlumberger

Visual Arts

September, October, November 2021

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg

Pablo Schlumberger, born 1990 in Aachen, lives and works in Cologne. In 2016 he received his B.A. at the University of Fine Arts (HfbK) in Hamburg with Prof. Werner Büttner and Prof. Jutta Koether. In 2018 he also completed his studies at the HfbK Hamburg with an M.A. under Prof. Andreas Slominski. In 2018/19 he worked as a studio assistant in the studio of Nicole Wermers in London. Since 2018 he works as a freelance artist in various media.

Everyday objects that combine tradition and modernity as recurring motifs and have lost their specificity – such as architectures, coins, and fountains – seem to take on a life of their own or serve as blind spots for what has not yet been seen. As Solid Liquids, they behave like two sides of a coin to highlight the increasingly toxic simplification of cultural compositions in our everyday environment.

Recent solo exhibitions include Kennen Sie Köln? Ne, meine Braut ist die See (Drawing Room, Hamburg, 2021) and Merry May (Galerie Genscher, Hamburg, 2019). Pablo Schlumberger was selected for the Kunstverein Hannover's one-year National Young Artist Fellowship, which he will take up in 2022. In 2020, he participated in the Hamburg Working Fellowship exhibition at the Falckenberg Collection. He has also been involved in group exhibitions such as Realismus mit Schleife (Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Germany), The Finest Bubble (YELLOW artspace, Varese, Italy, 2019), Further thoughts on earthy materials (Kunsthaus Hamburg, DE/Germany, 2019) and the dead are long (Klosterruine Berlin, 2018).

During his stay in Wiepersdorf, Pablo Schlumberger will work on new large-format paintings that integrate the relief into the picture as a transition from the classical two-dimensional panel painting to the three-dimensional object.